Apologies my fellow readers for the seriously lack of update.
>Title: Geng 5405
>Price: RM6.50
>Created by: Virus-AC
>Cover Page by: Virus-AC
>Published by: Gala Unggul Resources Sdn Bhd, February 2010
>Main characters: Brutal, Xerox, Trasher and Icchan
When I first purchased Geng 5405, I thought it would be a story of gang members fighting one another. At the very least, there will be some kind of fierce action going on (the word “Geng” and the number “5405” got me thinking it’s a gang name or some sort). After the first few pages, I was smiling and feeling good. Wait a minute! That’s not how an action genre supposed to sound like!
Don’t feel betrayed because Geng 5405 is definitely entertaining by making you laugh at the shenanigans from these four university students. It tells a tale of four friends wrecking havoc in their hostel, room 5405. That’s all. Seriously, that’s all. Xerox, Brutal, Thrasher and Icchan are showing us the way to have fun in any kind of situations. No matter what happen, they always ended up in a hilarious situation.
They are all equipped with their own personality: serious, happy-go-lucky, playful, and devious with one thing in common, their mischievousness. Of course Xerox and Brutal are the troublemakers as these two usually team up coming up nonsense for everyone!
Then, there is their leader, Thrasher. Hot-temper yet looking cool at the same time, he is the most responsible among them. That’s one way to blend hot and cold. One thing’s for sure, never mess with his hair! Out of the Geng 5405 friends, Icchan is the feminine looking guy. I actually thought he was a she until a certain point in the book. His cheerfulness is indeed a weapon because it is very contagious.
Seeing that this is Virus-Ac’s debut comic, she did a great job with the storyline. There was never a chance for me to get bored of the plot because I feel that this comic has soul. I can believe that the main characters take off and come to like them. It is very smart of Virus-Ac to include a chapter of their origins in the middle of the book just to deepen our connection with them.
Despite the great storyline, there are a few things holding it down. One of it is the amount of dialogue boxes in a panel. It made each panel look so cluttered that sometimes it becomes an annoyance. Other than that, the characters’ designs are great but every now and then, it blends with the background making it a little hard to scan through the whole page.
This is the sort of light-hearted read I need to have after a busy day. If you can forgive the annoying cluttered panels, give this book a go.
Pros: great characters, funny
Cons: cluttered panels
(Rating: 6 out of 10)
Your Thoughts
Big Boss
The Artists!
MENCINTA DIA6 years ago
UNDER18 ELITE book 68 years ago
Untitled12 years ago
Talking Comics in Penang12 years ago
Major Zombie wins12 years ago
SIX_Cover14 years ago
- 143 (1)
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>Title: Lawak Junk Food: Breakfast
>Price: RM6.50
>Created by: Jo
>Cover Page by: Jo
>Published by: Gala Unggul Resources Sdn Bhd, February 2010
>Main characters: Everyone
Standing on her own, Jo present to us her first solo four panel comic comedy. It's a good break away from her usual collaboration with other artists. As usual, branching away from cute and big goo goo Japanese type of eyes, this graphic novel showed us the lighter side of working class comedies.
First thing's first, it is amazing how all of this four-panel artists get ideas to illustrates their version of "funny." With that, I would like to say good effort by Jo. There were many funny moments in this comic and also so-what moments too. This might be because the artist tried too hard to be funny and ended up with dry jokes.
Despite that, the drawings in this comic are good as it breaks away from simplicity with more details on each character. It's funny how all characters appear normal (with the exception of Snow White and Alien) but manage to make me laugh by using the scenes in it.
One of my favourite character is Taiko, an ex gang leader who tries to lead a normal life. Each situation these characters run to will definitely make you laugh real hard. Just beware of the dry jokes throughout the book that might caught you off guard.
It's too bad with so many good four panel comics out there, Jo will have a tough time standing out. Readers out there will expect more from her but again, it really is a good try by Jo.
Quick-witted jokes with a little element of disgusting, plain looking characters can be a weird but great combination for short laughter. Whatever it is, Jo will definitely be coming back with better jokes. When there are tough competitors out there, one needs to do a lot more to stand out. Nonetheless, it is still a good read.
Pros: Unexpected comedy, one of it's kind
Cons: Dry jokes
Rating: 6/10
Calv out.
Alright, everytime you buy a Gempak Starz comic (not comic magazine), at the back of the book, you can see one of those, with different design/variation.
Don't just ignore it. You can actually collect a number of those to trade into Gempak Starz merchandise!!
Just cut the coupons out, stick it in the coupon trade form in Gempak (issue 251) 1 May, Utopia (issue 177) 1 May and Comic King (issue 120) also from the Gempak Starz website. Once you got that done, just post it to them. Simple, right?
Get your scissors and glue ready!
Oops, been out for too long everyone. Sorry for the really long absence. It’s all thanks to laziness and some other personal reason. But fear not, I'm back!
>Title: Gengkey Fever
>Price: RM7.50
>Created by: C2V
>Cover Page by: C2V
>Published by: Gala Unggul Resources Sdn Bhd, September 2007
>Main characters: Lowkey, Paul, Amin
>Main language: Bahasa Malaysia
I can’t help but noticed that there is still one more important artist I forgot: Michael Chuah a.k.a. C2V. His first debut, the ever so mischievous Gengkey (because of this writer’s forgetfulness, he don’t know where he had misplaced his Gengkey, that’s why it’s replaced by Gengkey Fever images)
The drawing when it first hit you will look absurd, innocent, and again mischievous. The wonderful adventures of Lowkey, Paul and Amin are never-ending as their daily goal to annoy everyone, even you. Don’t get me wrong, you will LOL all the way.
What else is there to say? Just to see Lowkey got beaten up, with (a lot of) blood spraying here and there, is hilarious. There is nothing more disgusting than all of this but it really entertains you. The violence level is high but don’t worry, there is nothing too obscene for all of you. It is “controlled” in every standard.
The thing is that they are not the only characters to poke fun at, other side characters in this comic too. Every single character is really a punch line itself. Design so absurdly yet so memorable for you to go along with. At some point of your life, I am sure that these are the people you met or will meet.
Only one complain: I wish that there were more chapters, more comics being drawn. By the looks of C2V's schedule, maybe let this be one of his great stepping stones in the comic industry.
Looking at the artwork, it is funny that how the artist commented that it was one of his bad artworks. The thing is, every combination works and C2V really did a good job to keep us waiting for more. If violent, nonsense, explicit, extreme, mischievous, funny (the list goes on) comic is your kind, this is really for you.
Pros: Hilarious, easy-reading, memorable characters
Cons: More Gengkey needed!
Ratings: 9/10
Calv out!
Guess what? Comic Fiesta is having this commercial appearing on Astro Animax Channel 715 this December! Have a look at it before it appears on your television!
One of the greatest event for anime and manga lovers!
Here's the direct URL on YouTube.
Calv out!
Take a look at this contest with scholarships and attractive prizes that worth more than RM150,000!
(Click image for larger version)
There are two categories open for those who are interested in particpating.
For secondary school students who are interested, stand a chance to win One Academy scholarship and more!
For adults, stand to win movie passes and other The Storm Warriors merchandises!
Closing date for this competition is on December 11, 2009!
So what are you waiting for?
Get your creative juice flowing and start creating your comic hero!!
Remember, your character of artwork must be related to The Storm Warriors!!
Wait!! There is more!!
Be among the first to submit your entry before November 20, 2009 to stand a chance to win "Meet The Stars of The Storm Warriors" passes!!
For more information click here.
Calv out!
Here is what's coming to you real soon if you are a fan of Cosplay!!
(Click image for larger version)
Date : 21 November 2009 (Saturday)
Venue : Concourse Area, Sungei Wang Plaza, Kuala Lumpur
Even greater news, there is NO ADMISSION FEE at all!!!
Attractive prizes (cash & others) for those who are interested in participating!
What are you waiting for? Grab your costumes and enjoy!
*Registration on November 21, 2009 opens from 10:00am to 12:00pm at Cosplay Counter.
P/S: To view the rules and regulation, visit here.
Calv out!